Which professionals use RooDol™?
Professionals who are in the elite of cycling need to train and warm up in the best conditions before...
10 April, 20170 -
The MTB season starts. We are ready!
One more year starts the best MTB. The good weather and spring come, but to the addicts what really...
RooDol, present in the last races of Rad Race 2016, in Frankfurt
RooDol has already turned into an essential one of the WarmUp areas of Rad Race. The rollers RooDol...
CIMB Madrid, un campeonato para los mensajeros de bicicleta
En el mundo de las dos ruedas, estamos acostumbrados a las competiciones, al los ‘tours’ y a las ‘vueltas’....
NMC 2015
Recién llegados del National Moutarde Crit en Dijon que se celebró este pasado fin de semana. Desde RooDol® hemos...
Open España 2015
Last weekend started the Mountain Bike Spain Open 2015 in Valladolid.
Starts the season 2015
After the rest of the last winter we already have a new Mountain Bike season, it started last Sunday...
Trofeu Ciutat de Barcelona 2014
Last weekend everything was ready for international track competition in a racing program Speed and Pursuit at the D’Horta...
RedHook Criterium Barcelona N02
This year the Red Hook Crit returns to Barcelona, race bikes fixed pinion most prestigious international panorama will be...