Our company grew out of the concerns of two brothers who had always enjoyed the sport. An illusion they had was to be able to develop systems in which it was necessary to innovate in the fields of mechanics and electronics, with the intention of being able to help the improvement of the athlete, this being his main objective.
In addition, being able to provide innovation and manufacturing in their environment, generated great satisfaction, is why they proposed to get all elements of their systems were obtained as close as possible, as this policy helped not to promote climate change , Because development must be sustainable.
Since RooDol ® sup> we are committed to manufacturing our products with the highest quality, which is why we bet from the outset to manufacture ourselves. We believe that it is the best way to apply our requirements, and nobody better than ourselves, to validate that things are well done, so we carry out all phases of the creation process: i + d, design, manufacture Of parts, distribution and sale.